Pnoe is a greek word which singnifies “vital current” and “blow”.
As the title of my work, Pnoe represents a multi-dimentional realty, where one’s existence is a blurred frame into a timeless space dimention.
I’ve always been a keen observer of reality, alternating moments of great introspection to moments of analysis of the external world. Faces of people, with their individuality and untold stories are the protagonists of this project, as they have the power of letting our minds travel beyond time and space.
This vital current moulds the subiects into whatever the observer wants to see.
Colours and shapes are ephimerus and subjective to the eye.
Photography becomes a vehicle for a materialisation of ones hidden fantasies and the
dream of a life that runs freely in a flux of untamed feelings.
Pnoe is a greek word which singnifies “vital current” and “blow”.
As the title of my work, Pnoe represents a multi-dimentional realty, where one’s existence is a blurred frame into a timeless space dimention.
I’ve always been a keen observer of reality, alternating moments of great introspection to moments of analysis of the external world. Faces of people, with their individuality and untold stories are the protagonists of this project, as they have the power of letting our minds travel beyond time and space.
This vital current moulds the subiects into whatever the observer wants to see.
Colours and shapes are ephimerus and subjective to the eye.
Photography becomes a vehicle for a materialisation of ones hidden fantasies and the
dream of a life that runs freely in a flux of untamed feelings.